
Thebu Leaves | Canereed Leaves – (Dehydrated) 500g


Canereed Powder – Thebu Powder

WThebu leaves Thebu (Costus speciosus) leaves are consumed as mallum, sambol in Sri Lankan contest.It has similar taste like gotukola. Costus speciosus is an important source of diosgenin. The alkaloids of this plant have anticholinesterase acivity both In vivo and in vitro. It shown significant hypoglycemic effects. The root crude extratct also have the hypoglycemic effect. Other than that, it can reduce the total serim cholesterol level, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol level (J. Eliza et al., 2009). Due to the presence of phenolic acids, flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, catechins and xanthones like chemical constituents, thses medicinal properties of the plant was occurred. And also, this plant shows, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antistress, estrogenic activity, antipyretic, antidiuretic and larvicidal activity. It has antifertility, anabolic properties.

Health Benifits

  • Thebu Leaves can reduce the blood sugar level
  •  Thebu Leaves can stimulate appetite
  • Treat skin issues and make faire skin
  • It Can Control phlegm and bile
  • Control fever and cough

Thebu Leaves | Canereed Leaves – (Dehydrated) 500g

WThebu leaves Thebu (Costus speciosus) leaves are consumed as mallum, sambol in Sri Lankan contest.It has similar taste like gotukola. Costus speciosus is an important source of diosgenin. The alkaloids of this plant have anticholinesterase acivity both In vivo and in vitro. It shown significant hypoglycemic effects. The root crude extratct also have the hypoglycemic effect. Other than that, it can reduce the total serim cholesterol level, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol level (J. Eliza et al., 2009). Due to the presence of phenolic acids, flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, catechins and xanthones like chemical constituents, thses medicinal properties of the plant was occurred. And also, this plant shows, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antistress, estrogenic activity, antipyretic, antidiuretic and larvicidal activity. It has antifertility, anabolic properties.

Health Benifits

  • Thebu Leaves can reduce the blood sugar level
  •  Thebu Leaves can stimulate appetite
  • Treat skin issues and make faire skin
  • It Can Control phlegm and bile
  • Control fever and cough

For Malluma

Put Thebu leaves to Hot water Bowl. keep 10 -15 min. When the leaves become fresh,

filter the water and now you can prepare your favorite food. Prepare a curry or Malluma.


Weight 0.3 kg


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